
Zodiac-Aries Boy Baby Name 'Oliver' and its Meaning


Zodiac-Aries Baby Boy Name

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Zodiac-Aries BABY NAMES

Zodiac-Aries Baby Boy Name "Oliver"

Select the perfect name for your Baby Boy

Baby Birth Date from March 21 - April 19

Aries do things their own way. They are unafraid of conflict, highly competitive, and honest. They throw themselves at the world eagerly and without fear.

Name Oliver
Meaning ancestor's descendants
Gender Male
Origin Latin
Zodiac Sagittarius,Aries
Planet Mars
Liked 5
Recommended 5

Oliver is a very popular name. It's among the Top 10 most used boys' names in several countries. Oliver is originally derived from the Latin word olivarius meaning olive tree planter. It also has Old French and Medieval origins.

Famous People Named Oliver

Oliver Cheshire. Model.
Oliver Hudson. Actor.
Oliver North. Politician.
Oliver Riedel. Bassist, Musician.
Oliver Stone. Director.

Celebrities with first name: Oliver

Oliver Sykes
Olly Murs
Oliver Peck
Oliver Phelps
Oliver Reed
Oliver James
Olivier Ripley
Oliver Cheshire.

The Baby Boy Name Oliver is chosen by those who are willing to find the Best Baby Names. The meaning of the baby name / famous people in the first name ancestor's descendants and this name is belongs to Latin Origin. This name is used primarily by parents who are considering unique baby names for Neutral.

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